Monday 31 March 2008

getting my life in order

Finances - 4/10
Health - 6/10
Work - 6/10
Relationships - 6/10
Possessions - 4/10
Spirituality - 4/10

My aim is to bring these 6 areas up to 10/10

Finances - pretty self explanatory. Get a budget in order, organise direct debits and start a new savings account. Work out in what areas I can save money.

- I need to cut down the smoking, calm it with the drugs, loose this excess weight, find an exercise plan I want to keep doing and eat better.

- improve productivity, take on more responsibility and get involved in new areas.

- spend more time with parents, plan some parties for friends, get out and meet some new people.

- clean and organise the flat, make some plans for redecoration, sell/donate my old clothes, fix up TV and stereo, clean out car, organise new driving licence and get MOT/tax sorted.

- invest time in meditation, put a reading list together and start reading.

Challenge for today -
Start taking daily vitamins.

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